Monday, January 30, 2017

Part Of Speech

Parts of Speech

In grammar, a part of speech (also called lexical categories, grammatical categories or word classes) is a linguistic category of words. In English there are eight parts of             speech.

A list of parts of speech

 A list of parts of speech in English grammar include the following:

1. Verb
A verb is used to show an action or a state of being
go, write, exist, be

2. Noun
A noun is a word used to refer to people, animals, objects, substances, states, events, ideas and feelings. A noun functions as a subject or object of a verb and can be       modified by an adjective.
John, lion, table, freedom, love ...

3. Adjective
Adjectives are used to describe or specify a noun or pronoun
good, beautiful, nice, my ...

4. Adverb
An adverb is used to modify a verb, adjective and other adverbs.
completely, never, there ...

5. Pronoun
A pronoun is used in the place of a noun or phrase.
I, you, he, she, it ...

Prepositions are used before nouns to form a phrase that shows where, when, how and why
in, above, to, for, at ...

Conjunctions join clauses or sentences or words
and, but, when ...

8. Interjection
Interjections are used to show surprise or emotion.
oh!, Good Lord

Examples of parts of speech
Here are some examples of parts of speech:
·         My (adjective) friend (noun) speaks (verb) English (noun) fluently (adverb).
·         Oh! (interjection) I ( pronoun) went (verb) to (preposition) school (noun) and (conjunction) I ( pronoun) met (verb) Fred (noun).

sumber :

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